Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Vacation Won...hands down!

Yup, we were those people. You're Welcome. 

Ok so, Vacation was amazing. Really just one of the best times of my life. I threw the rules out the window and enjoyed every single moment. Did I want a giant cup of coffee every day? Yes, and I had one. Did I partake in every aspect of the Food and Wine Festival? You bet your bottom dollar I did. The first day, between travel and activities, Silas and I were up for about 25 hours. We did nap on the plane and about 30 minutes before dinner. 

"25 HOURS?!", you say. Believe me, it was not intentional. We planned on checking into an airport hotel because we had a 5AM flight. We thought we would get atleast 5 hours of sleep before the Festival which ended at 4AM.... Well...

Yah, that's a fire truck.  

So after we learned that someone burned a bag of popcorn (WHAT IS THIS, COLLEGE?!), we finally got back to our room to get a glorious 3 hours of sleep.  So, remember back at the last entry when I thought my schedule would be fine? After all, it wasn't like I left the time zone....WELL HA HA HA to past me. 

I totally screwed up my ovulation schedule. 

Well actually, to be more specific, I have absolutely no idea when or if I ovulated. Fertility Monitors (which I did bring! I had such good intentions), force you to test within the same window every day. The consistency of these tests is what helps to pin down that 12 - 24 hours window, so it's important. Well, I blew it. I missed a day to travel, and then the day after that because I slept until 9AM. (give me a break I was up until 3:30 AM!) I tried to test on the third day but it was too late to pin point ovulation. It is likely that I did ovulate in that 3 day window but I have no proof. 

"Well at least you have your 21 Day Progesterone test," you tell me gleefully! Guys, I am sorry to say that I missed that too...

So just a tidbit of advice for anyone who's test day falls on a Saturday. Very few testing place (I use LabCorp) are open and many are fully booked. With a CD 21 day test you can wait a day to CD 22. But that was Sunday and labs are closed. So, I missed that too. 

So Vacation absolutely won this one. BUT LOOK HOW PRETTY....

So I did a HPT test at 10DPO, but unfortunately I don't have a "Disney Baby". I know that's kind of early to test because it's possible that I ovulated late. Late ovulation is very unusual for me AND we had roommates so the timeline wouldn't add up. Sadly, no baby this month.

I did learn some imporatnt things. One being that it's ok to let some of this tracking and testing go. I know I had way more fun in Disney than I would have testing and fussing everyday. The other was this solid piece of advice from a Disney Bus. 

So we are back in the groove at home. Waiting on CD 1 so that we can begin the whole process again. This will be my third round of fertility treatment after my miscarriage. It is safe to say that I am very very antsy at this stage. My goal was to be pregnant by Christmas, but now I think February is a more realistic goal. February is also when our baby would have been born so it would be nice to have some good news around that time. 

So sit tight and we will start this whole Circus over again. In the meantime you can check out my dog casting some serious shade....

This is his "You left me here and now you want to snuggle? I think not." face. What a sas-monster.

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