Friday, November 6, 2015

Ovulation verse Vacation...who will win?

So recently I've been thinking about my "5 year plan". The professional aspects of my life are in a  state of flux, so I am evaluating things. What I've discovered is this: It is incredibly hard to imagine your future when you are blinded by infertility. I recently saw an "article" on buzzfeed that offered many different views on infertility. Some I can relate to (like the photo above), but I was amazed at all the different ways that infertility effects lives.

Feel free to check it out here:

So as I've been trying to evaluate my life and my plans, the truth is the only thing I really want is to be a Mom. So professional life, I am sorry, but for now you are on the back burner. My job is stable and I do enjoy it, so why mess with a good thing?

So here is what I have been focusing on instead...
-Clomid on CD 5-9 (and now all the fun side effects ....HOT FLASHES)
-Cutting Caffeine in take (::whimpers::)
-Enjoying little moments with family and friends
-Savoring glasses of white wine
-Snuggling my dog and treating him like my fur-baby
-Oh yah....and.......

WOOOOOO! It is the most wonderful place in the world...I don't care if you don't agree. This is my happy place. I will cry at the Magic Kingdom's firework show Wishes (cause I always do, with or without hormone treatments), I will enjoy amazing food and adult beverages, and I will scream WEEEE on every single ride. If you are pregnant and in Disney World....SUCKS FOR YOU ....HAHAHAHAHA. Ok, that was mean.  But for real. Pregnancy does kills the fun-factor. 

So yes, this trip is pretty perfectly timed in terms of enjoyment. However, there is the little issue of ovulation. As you know, I use two different apps and a fertility monitor to track ovulation. Period Tracker estimates that I will ovulate of Saturday. Ovia is guessing Monday. The fertility monitor shows I am 3 days into my fertile window but no spike yet. (it's also a day's really CD 14).

So why is this an issue (other than the fact that these don't really match up)? Well it's a two fold problem. The first problem is that we are sharing a room with another couple so....yah.... that's troublesome....

The second problem is that Travel can change your cycle. "Your menstrual cycle and ovulation are controlled by a specific balance of hormones that your body gets used to, and any changes in this balance can result in a shift in ovulation date. Travel, particularly under stressful circumstances or over different time zones, has been known to interfere with the timing of ovulation, which can make it more difficult to identify your fertile window. It is not the literal, physical traveling that can affect ovulation, but rather all of the stressors and environment changes that are a part of it." (Source: Ovuline) 

Ok so I realize that a two hour flight within your time zone is, as the kids say, NBD. However, my flight leaves at 5 AM so I will be up at 2 AM. That night I am going to the Food and Wine Finish Line Party (jealous?) which ends at 4AM. So we are planning some very important naps. I am a bit worried that these changes may push back my ovulation...but maybe not as worried as my roommate should be...hahahah. Sorry, it got awkward again...

Anyway, that's what's up this month! I am hoping to have more blood-work on CD 21 to test out progesterone levels. If they are high enough to support pregnancy then I will hold my breath for a week and use a HPT. If it's positive I will have something to be super thankful for this Thanksgiving. If not, then on to December. I know what's at the top of my Christmas list....

Until then, I have some very magical stars to wish on  :)

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