Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Back in The Saddle Again! - September 22

Ok so the TTC saddle might not be "blazing" but it is pretty comedic sometimes. This month I am back on track and focused which means that I am even crazier than before! Obsessive tracking - CHECK! Crazy Symptom Watching- CHECK! Pinterest Addicted - CHECK!

Earlier this month I found myself just absolutely DROWNING in other people's babies. New babies born, pregnancies announced, baby sitting an absolutely perfect child. It is equal parts wonderful and heart wrenching. 

I think these instances, in combination with the recent miscarriage, have forced me straight into the "Baby-Crazies". However, I am going to reel it in and focus on some details of getting back to TTC after miscarriage.

After a miscarriage your body is super confused. Your hormones are a mess, your body is physically recovering, and you are coping the best you can. The number one question that I have heard from those in the miscarriage community is  "when can I start trying again?" This is a really hard question to answer, and I had multiple doctors answer it before I even asked.

Ok, so there are a few schools of thought on TTC after a miscarriage. One important factor to consider is that the longer you are pregnant the longer it takes for your body to regulate your hormones. Perhaps even more importantly, I am not a doctor! These are my experiences through my personal filter!

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way......

School of thought number one: Wait Three Months (three cycles)

Yah...three months. No joke. Needless to say, I will not be waiting three months. Here is the deal though, doctors have some really strong reasons for suggesting the three month rule. Here are a few of those reasons.

1) your hormones are fully regulated
2) your uterine lining is nice and thick
3) you had time to cope and grieve

The reasons make sense. What I learned, from my OB and from the inter-webs, is that doctors recommend 3 months primarily for the mental health of their patients. Reasons number 1 and 2 can be accomplished with one full cycle.

The truth of this seems to boil down to doctors do not want "high maintenance" patients. So I think it's important to take stock of your status and decide if you are emotionally ready to be pregnant again.

School of thought number two: Wait One Month (one cycle)

(Thank Goodness! .... It's a Wicked reference....get on my level!)

As stated above, after a cycle your hormones are back on track, your lining should be back to normal, but perhaps the most important reason is DATING. Not like put on some sassy heels and head down to your favorite BYOB, like you are pregnant and the doctors need to know how many days and weeks you have been pregnant. There are very specific "milestones" the doctors are checking each time you go in for an appointment. Often, these milestones are how doctors determine that you are about to miscarry or that your child has passed. 

Get ready to have your mind blown....It is possible to get pregnant again immediately after miscarriage. As in, before you have a period. 

Yup. That is possible and it happens..... a lot. Doctors really really really hate it. They will make you PROMISE to wait until after your first period to try again. And truthfully, it makes so much sense to wait. Emotionally you aren't ready (don't lie! you're not...see my last post about coping verse grieving) , your body isn't ready, and you are about to make your next pregnancy harder.

Here are my reasons to wait until after 1 full cycle to try again:

1) My body has proven that my HCG levels are back to normal ( so I wont get a false positive on a test unless I am actually pregnant).
2) My uterine lining should be nice and thick so I can begin Clomid. (Clomid thins the lining!)
3) My doctors will be able to date my pregnancy.
4) My emotions are under control so I can be a good patient to my very deserving doctor.

So we are back at it again! In a few days we will know if we had a successful cycle. If not, we adjust medications and try again. Now if you excuses me....I have symptoms to log and crazy TTC groups to join!

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