Friday, May 22, 2015

My Infertility Hope Chest - May 21st

Hello friends!

So my last post was a bit of a bummer. Please fear not, I am still full of hope and happiness. Yes, there are some days that are quite difficult. I think it's really important to embrace those days. Pushing away those feelings just means you aren't dealing with them.

So, I'd like to introduce you to the idea of an "Infertility Hope Chest". As a lady who has connections to the Pennsylvania Dutch (that's where these thighs came from!) I grew up with a Hope Chest in my room. Traditionally, a Hope Chest is full of items that you would bring into your marriage. (Usually stuff for your wedding or newlyweds)

My Hope Chest growing up usually contained extra bed sheets. Not too far from what you may find in your traditional Hope Chest, but defiantly not its intended purpose. Today my Hope Chest is firmly planted at the end of my bed and chock-full of extra sheets and clean towels. Do clean sheets and towels sound hopeful? well, no. The idea of the Hope Chest was that a young lady and her family would place special items into the Chest in the HOPES of a good match. (I know it's a little sexist....just roll with it).

So this is where I started. I created a board to pin inspirational messages, good articles, fertility diets, and yes even little onesies. What I found after I began to pin was that there were other women doing exactly the same thing. Here is a link to one of my favorites: . Now this special lady has an actual Infertility Hope Chest (and a cool blog). She even provides a PDF for you to log all the items in your Chest. Long-story short, she inspired me to move away from Pinterest and create a real and tangible Infertility Hope Chest.

So now........ I post my first ever question to you, dear reader!

THE QUESTION: What should the first item be in my Hope Chest? Please post in the comments :) I'd love to hear your ideas. (because so far I have doctors bills and empty clomid exactly what I had in mind)

Next entry I'll reveal what my first item is and why I chose it.

Thanks for all your love and support!

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