Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Letters to my Friends - April 28

Hello Boys and Girls! Ok, so here is the deal...I've been a bit, well,....grouchy. Perhaps it's because of the hot flashes and the puking, or maybe it's all pregnant women/ beautiful babies everywhere. No matter the cause, I'd like to address those feelings here and now. Here are all the things I may not be able to say face-to-face....

Dear Pregnant Friends,
It's not you, it's me. If you've noticed me pulling away from you or I seem less interested in your wonderful journey to motherhood, I am. I know that sounds mean and horrible...and it is! I promise that there is a piece of me that is over-joyed for you, but right now that piece is being completely squashed by piles of negative HPT, doctor's appointments, and viles of blood. I know that you are not trying to hurt me, but you may accidentally send me into a night of binge eating and re-runs of Pretty Little Liars. I don't love you any less and I will try to be there for you as much as I am able. I ask that if I skip out on the shopping trips, the vegetable comparisons, or even the shower please forgive me.
I love you and your little-one,
Your overly-emotional hot-mess of a Friend

Dear Friends with Babies,
Please do not avoid me. I know, what kind of crazy lady can't handle being around pregnant women, but can't wait to have someone's baby in their arms?....um this lady right here. Your little bundle is a reminder of why I have to keep trying. Now if you waft your baby by me like he/she is too precious for me to touch....well then you're right. Keep them to yourself. Your baby has cooties and I don't want to hold him/her. However, if you want me to experience a piece of the joy you must feel each time you hold your beautiful bundle, then yes please sign me up! I do feedings and diapers! You and your baby make me happy, thank you for including me in your happiness.
Everybody Loves Babies, Duh!

Dear Friends Beginning the Crusade to Conception,
Welcome to the club. I wish you quick and easy success. If you do have quick and easy success, please see the first letter.  If you find that you have questions about beginning your crusade or that you are struggling, I am always here for you. It's kind of like swapping old war stories. "I remember O-day way back in January....there was snow fall that night and I just wanted to be asleep.....". I am here for you, let's make babies...just not together. Also, baby-making isn't a race. So please, go forth and procreate.
Let's do this,
Just Another Knight in the Battle

Dear Friends Far from Making Babies (at least on purpose),
I'll be calling you. You make me remember all the good baby-free parts of my like. Like beer-tastings and not needing a sitter. You remind me that you don't need a baby to be happy. You're role is key to my happiness. Want to ride a roller-coaster? Count me in! There may be certain weeks when I'll be holding out hope and watching my activities ( I really miss caffeine), but keep inviting me to things. There is at least one week out of each month when I'll be needing that large glass of wine, and it always is better with a friend.
Thank you,
I'll take a Venti Brevi Latte...extra caffeine.

Thanks for Reading :) 

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