Our ultrasounds went really well with our little ninja moving like crazy. The tech had a hard time taking pictures so many of our take-home photos are a bit strange. The doctor came in to check out a few things (again because the pictures weren't the best) but she declared that everything was looking good and that we wouldn't need to return to Maternal Fetal Medicine. Basically, this just means that there is no reason to continue as "high risk". They anticipate smooth sailing from here on out.
This is our favorite photo from the appointment. We posted it to my MiL's facebook for her Birthday. You will notice that the lower half of the baby isn't visible. We are still "Team Green" but the medical records show a healthy boy or girl. The trick now is making sure a doctor or nurse doesn't spoil the surprise. You can't believe how many stories I have heard about moms showing up at Labor and Delivery only to have a nurse proudly proclaim "are you ready to meet your little boy/girl?!" whomp whomp... end of surprise...
The 20 week ultrasound or "Anatomy Scan" is about a 45 minute appointment. Make sure you bring your partner! You get to watch your beautiful baby while they count fingers and toes, check the chambers of the heart, and so much more. It is equal parts touching and interesting. I also noticed more distinct kicking and movement after this appointment. I have been told that seeing the movement on the screen at the same time as feeling it in your body teaches your brain to recognize these "sensations" for what they really are. So that's pretty cool. I don't know if it's true or not but I am enjoying these little kicks either way.
Ok...if you think registering for a wedding is hard...this is the Olympics of registering. A lot of the products I've never heard of which I usually assume means that they aren't necessary. Then I second guess myself and think,"but what if I can't be a good mom without this....snot sucker thingy?" Turns out there are a million resources on the internet. However, I find that the best resource is other moms.
Yes, I joined one of those facebook groups. It has about 160 members. They can be a great resource as long as you take things with a grain of salt. I have found that STM (second-time-moms) can be kind of hard on FTM (first-time-moms). Luckily, I have real life mom friends who aren't judgmental so they are certainly the best source. (YAY for friends!)
My very next post will absolutely be about maternity cloths. It is a whole new world my friends! I may never wear real pants again! See you next time!