So I realize I've really only experienced the first trimester, but I can promise it's pretty wild. Before we get started I want to make sure everyone knows how the weeks of pregnancy work. Here is a handy-dandy chart!
So here is the super weird thing about calculating due dates and how many weeks along you are. You need to actually start counting from the first day of your last period. That begins week 1. So technically your first few weeks of pregnancy, you aren't even pregnant. I know it's weird.
Disclaimer time! Below is my personal experience. Every person is different and every pregnancy is different. Also, as always...I am not a doctor.
Month 1 (week 1 - 4)
Ok so you aren't even pregnant yet, technically, but if you were anything like me you were planning like you were (no drinking, no caffeine, lots of water and veggies etc...I'm using "no" loosely but you get the idea) That first week (AF week); that was my "wine week". After that the Baby Dancing happens from week 2-3. Week 4 is when you begin obsessively peeing on sticks.
The first week of pregnancy (and I don't mean the weird weeks before you conceive that they count as part of the 40 weeks. I mean you have been pregnant for a few days or by the doctor's terms week 4), you will feel like death. During my first pregnancy I thought I had the flu, missed 3 days of work, and fell down inside a CVS. This time around I felt like I'd been hit by a bus. My whole body hurt and I just wanted to sleep all day. Luckily I only missed one day of work this time and I did not embarrass myself in any public places. The good news is that this passes in a few days and you switch over to just being tired. You will be super excited and terrified. I can promise that when you see that second line you will be a mix of so many emotions that it wont seem real.
Month 2 (week 5 - 9)
When you excitedly pick up the phone to call you OB you may be underwhelmed with the reaction you receive. Most offices will not see you until week 8. If you do request to come in to confirm your pregnancy they will have you take a regular pee on a stick pregnancy test and probably mark your file as "crazy-pants". Sometimes they will do a blood test if you have a history of miscarriage or low progesterone. My advice is to call, book your 8 week appointment, and do your best not to freak out. Now at this point in my pregnancy we told a few very close friends and family members. It was Christmas and the joy made me do it!
All the joy
Weeks 5 - 7 I didn't feel much different. In fact, it can be kind of scary because you don't really "feel pregnant". As someone who suffered a loss before I can tell you it is an extra scary time. After all, there is a reason the OB makes you wait 8 weeks to come in. I did take some extra pregnancy tests to make sure things were progressing. Basically you are looking for the line to get darker or you can get one of those super fancy week predictor tests.
This is what they look like. This test means you have been pregnant for 2-3 weeks... so in doctor's terms weeks 5-6.
At the 8 week mark you have your "new pregnancy appointment" which is your longest appointment. Don't be surprised if you are booked with a nurse practitioner. Doctors simply don't have a 45 minute block to take your medical history and give you pregnancy basics. My advice is to come with a list of questions. My NP rushed my appointment because it was a second pregnancy. I also had the unusual situation that I had my first Ultrasound before my official first pregnancy appointment.
Starting at week 9 my symptoms (besides the relentless exhaustion) kicked in. Everything you read is true. Morning Sickness can happen at any time of the day. Mine was worst at night. You really do need to eat frequent small meals and it's a good idea to keep crackers next to your bed. I also struggled with headaches and dizziness. Perhaps worst of all is the BLOAT. It is painful and can be a precursor to intestinal issues in the coming days. Progesterone actually slows down your digestion so that you body can absorb maximum nutrients. Unfortunately this can lead to constipation and bloating. Last pregnancy I had horrible heartburn. Luckily this time around I haven't really had trouble.
No wonder my pants were tight!
Month 3 (week 10 - 13)
Week 10 and 11 continued on with nausea and general pregnancy ickiness. Since my last pregnancy ended around 11/12 weeks it was a time of high stress. At my 8 week ultra sounds they discovered two cysts on my ovaries (most likely from clomid). They required a follow-up which was actually great because it meant that I got to go into Maternal Fetal Medicine for level 2 ultrasound.
This was the most stressed I have been thus far. Here I was back in the same same doctor's office, at the same point in my pregnancy, in the exact same room. This time Hubby was at my side. I squeezed his hand and prepared for the worst. The wand touched my belly and BAM wild crazy baby dancing away. No doubt there. Instant relief ( and a few tears). The rest of the appointment I was on cloud 9. (Which was extra great because it was our second anniversary!) We followed up with an NT scan and they took blood for a Sequential Screening. These are two tests that I opted out of last time but I thought might provide some peace of mind this time. All in all I was a happy Momma!
Which brings me to this week. I had my first extra crazy pregnant lady freak-out. I lost control over my emotions. It was bananas. (B-A-N-A-N-A-S!) Customer Service reps- you folks can make or break me. After an hour and half I just had no cool left and when I was treated like a child, I broke and acted like one. The worst part is you can see it oh no...I'm gunna freak out...crap I'm freaking out...dear lord I CANT STOP FREAKING OUT. Seriously it was ugly and embarrassing. I knew that pregnancy could cause you to be more emotional. I mean I lost it during a Disney commercial and just wept big fat beautiful tears. But what I did not know was that once you break that so angry you're crying point it is really hard to come back from. So...beware I guess?
On to the second trimester! woo!